Friday, December 10, 2010

Sophomore First Semester 3D

Here be the level and things I made!

Some notes:
As for the level images and camera move - I did not make all of the props and buildings, many were made by classmates. I am responsible for the lighting and the set dressing. I will try to point out which things I did make.

Here Is the concept art that I made for the project. The entire class had to pitch a project, and mine got chosen.

Stuff I made:

Beauty Shots: I did all of the set dressing/lighting. My classmates and I collaborated on the props.

I made the banners in this shot.

Here be the camera move:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sophmore First Sememster board game

So... update! Will update again soon with my 3d stuff. This was the board game project.

One note I should make: I did not make the physical ninjas show on the board towards the bottom.Those come from the game Ninja Vs. Ninja, which is the game that I modded.